The "natural method" (tszyzhangun) is a synthesis of the Buddhist method of "fixed contemplation" and the Taoist "open cavities (holes)." This paper describes an exercise to sleep lying down. Exercise is shown in the case of fatigue, as well as the elderly, people with poor health, the sick, including lying, and the disabled.
1. The principles of "natural method"
The method is based on the Taoist doctrine that "man should land, the land must be heaven, heaven follows the Tao, Tao follows nature." He suggests that the human body is part of nature. Therefore, the basic principles of "natural method" are as follows: find a basis of everything in nature, follow nature, in any case do not go against nature, to delve into the nature, to know the nature, use and transform nature in accordance with the natural course of things, to turn on the nature of the benefit of man.2. "Regulation of body and mind"
"Natural method" allows the exercises in both standard and in arbitrary positions. Standard pose (lying on his right side). Lie on your right side, with your right hand, place a pillow between the head and thus the point shaoshan the upper phalanx of the thumb lightly touches the point ifen behind the ear. Fingers, place on his cheek. While avoiding pressure on the point ermen, tingun tinhuey and placed in front of the auricle. Bring the left hand to the right shoulder so that the point laogun in the palm of his left hand rested on the point tsyuepen located in clavicular depression. In this position, the body slightly bend down. Bend your legs a bit, and left more than right. It is safest to a position of the feet, where the end of the big toe left foot is about the middle of the right shin. If exercise is performed on the left side, the position of the hands and feet varies accordingly.
"Natural method" is based on the principle of "following nature" and does not require a well-defined positions, but there is a requirement - to achieve relaxation.
Perform each exercise can choose any position sleeping in the prone position. In an ancient poem about it metaphorically says, "Yep, buffalo in the mountains of Wei. Untethered nature walk to please. Spring breeze, the fragrance of herbs, greens poplars. Asleep on the hill, you have found freedom. "
Taoist method of "open cavities (holes)" is an effective way to treat disease and strengthen the body. That is why the standard pose of the "natural method" is taken from there. This position is favorable for the excitation of the qi and the circulation throughout the body. It allows for "open cavities (holes)", located on the biologically active points of the meridians, and thus bring the beneficial effects of qi to the most secret parts of the body.
Easy touch points and shaoshan ifen weakens irritating external sounds, helping to achieve a state of rest. Let us examine this phenomenon from the viewpoint of energy channels. Shaoshan point is on hand (tayin) lung meridian. Its function is to purify and irrigation lungs. Ifen point at the intersection of Hand (Shaoyang) meridian "three burners" and a foot (Shaoyang) gall bladder meridian. Ifen point function - "cleaned" meridians. Easy tuching these two points normalizes breathing and circulation of chi through the energy channels. Laogun point is on hand (tszyuzin) meridian of the heart, and the point tsyuepen - on Foot (Yangming) meridian of the stomach. Its functional purpose - to normalize breathing. Imposition of terms on the point laogun tsyuepen prevents cold qi through the last, and most importantly, "purifies the heart and removes the heat." Tsyuepen, in addition, is the point of connecting the manual (Shaoyang) Meridian "three burners" to the internal organs. "Three heater" - three sources of 'primordial qi "in the body, such as seat of sunshine - control of internal organs, spread chi through the energy channels on all sides, inside and out. "Three heater" connect internal with the external, left to right, top to bottom, and thus, irrigate chi whole body. "Three heater" sets a balance between internal and external, nourish and feed the left tend to be assigned the top and bottom led. "There is nothing more important," - said in his treatise "Chzhuntszan ching." Therefore, the point laogun imposed on tsyuepen point, has an additional effect on the internal organs, which serves to strengthen the "inner chi."
Practice shows that many people after the posture for the exercise by the "open cavities (holes)," there is a feeling of heat in the body.
Prone position is a basic posture of "natural method." Exercises while standing, sitting, and in the movement is based on the skills acquired in the supine position. The author had to advise people using "natural method" during the individual movements of Taijiquan. This is a good experience.
3. How to master the "natural method"
The basic principles of successful mastery of the "natural method" are: freedom, looseness, a feeling of comfort and tranquility, "lighting an inner light," "Death leaves, comes life." To be free means that the only criterion for selection poses a sense of comfort and convenience. When reached a state of rest, it is possible to recognize its existence, its nature. You can then proceed to monitor the physical and mental state. Does Shichzhen * said: "Looking at yourself, you can discover and illuminate the tunnel leading to the own nature." This phrase is the essence of Qigong practice. Taoist concept of "cover themselves reflected light" means self-control, self-regulation and match the type of biofeedback used in modern medicine.
It means the observation, first, body position, and secondly, the work of breathing and consciousness. Mastering this skill is key to determining the willingness to dive in the "resting state" and to the excitation of qi. Extraneous thoughts in no way incompatible with the "state of rest"
necessary for employment. Only completely eliminating vain thoughts, you can reach a state where "mind and body merge into full unity gain increased capacity." In this case, you can move while maintaining a state of rest, to achieve continuous reproduction inner chi generated by the interaction of yin and yang, and launch an internal work, while maintaining the external peace.
The exercise.
Posturing, "illuminate the eye of itself" and correct body position. Focus on a small area, located between the eyebrows and the tips of the inner corners of your eyes. The central point of this section is located between points and intan shangen on the nose. Taoists called this point syuanguan or "upper Tan Tien." In people who have reached a state of rest, this place is sometimes observed a faint glow.Scientific experiments confirmed that the upper dantian is one of the areas through which enters the "external Qi". The focus on this area is called the "concentration on the upper cavity (hole)." Focusing on the upper Tan Tien, imagine that your head is in the lower abdomen. This is the simplest and most correct way "of concentration" in the lower Tan Tien, favoring the excitation of qi.
This is because the idea is aimed at a place located. between two "shen". Does Shichzhen said: "The essence of the operation of twelve energy channels is driving on them chi emerging between shen." Some believe that the concept of "between sheng" means the point minmen located between the left and right kidneys (shen). In fact minmen is one of the "voids" (holes) through which the "internal Qi", moving along the meridian to think, and not the place where the initiation and stimulation of qi. "Internal Qi" begins in the lower abdomen and to circulate immediately, but after being fully formed. Therefore, the author believes that the concept of "between sheng" means the central area within the lower part of the abdomen, located between the "internal and external shen", where "external sheng" means testicles, and "internal" proper kidney (shen). Chi that arises here is the very original qi, which is based on the circulation of the work of twelve meridians. Professor Lee Chzhunyuy wrote: "The concept of" Shen "is broad and narrow meaning. Chinese medicine, it is commonly interpreted broadly. That is, all the organs of internal secretion glands, and all are termed "shen". Eight wonderful channels - also "shen". In the phrase "born between Shen Qi" "Shen" has a broad meaning. Focusing on the upper Tan Tien and the lower abdomen normalizes mental state. It can be expected that some people are not burdened by extraneous thoughts, already resulting plunge in the resting state. The bulk dealing unlikely immediately to calm thinking. In this case, the state of peace is achieved through such methods as the expense to myself, mental repetition of the words "Nanu Amitofo."
4. "Regulation of breath."
The "natural method" requires a deep and smooth abdominal (belly) breathing. However, one should guard against attempts to arbitrarily adjust the natural character and rate of breathing or detain him.
First, this type of breathing is unusual. The problem is that through a long training to bring it to the level of conditioned reflex. Then abdominal breathing becomes habitual and natural, have become the main type, which can be invoked at will. Thoracic breathing to play a subsidiary role.
* Shichzhen Lee (1518-1593) - an outstanding pharmacist Ming dynasty. Considered unrealistic prolongation of life by "foreign pill." Advocated the use of methods to achieve longevity "internal training" melting "inside the pill."