Space, it seems, will always remain a mystery to the man, and for a long time remain unanswered questions: "Why the Earth rotates from west to east and not vice versa?", "Why is it easier to detect the electron and positron are not?", "Why in the physical macrocosm body motion is in accordance with Newton's law? "," Why is the speed of light is 300,000 miles per second, rather than the 3 million? "," Why the normal human body temperature is -37 °, not 73 °? ". All of these issues, in general, be reduced to one, namely, why the universe is arranged so, and not otherwise? Explanation of this puzzle is quite well-known in the West, is very simple: the universe has got its current appearance, because the purpose of its existence is the man. Or else: the universe because arranged so and not otherwise, that the existence of man demands it of this order of things. This so-called principle of "chosen people." Professor Qian Syuemin said: "The existing structure of the universe is quite natural. If it had been arranged differently, then people would not have appeared. The existence of man and the laws of the cosmos are closely related to each other. This cosmic interpretation of the relationship between man and nature in the West, some have called the principle of "chosen people." In accordance with this principle, between man and the cosmos there is a strong unbreakable bond of humanity is not a random product of the universe, it is in constant interaction with other forms of things and the laws of motion in the universe. Obviously, and Qigong, as a kind of physiological phenomenon, too, can not exist in isolation. Qigong is nothing more than a reflection of the in vivo a form of cosmic motion. Therefore, in order to unravel the mystery of Qigong, we must first understand the secret of life and consciousness. To find out the essence of life, we must first know how the universe came. Currently, the most widely known cosmogonic theory gigantic explosion, launched in 1927 by the Belgian mathematician Lemeyte and developed subsequently, the American physicist Jia-mofu. Some hypotheses cosmogonic theory gigantic explosion have already been confirmed by modern astronomy. According to this theory, the universe was formed from the primordial atom, or "cosmic egg," probably as a result of the explosion, after which it began its formation and development. Naturally, in the course of this period, which ended about 1 billion years ago, in the universe, formed under high temperature and high pressure, there could be no question of the appearance of any signs of life. In such circumstances, could not appear any living cells or organisms, much less human consciousness. Then how inorganic matter spawned the modern forms of life? There is a theory that all of the information about the modern world was originally contained in the same "cosmic egg." Universe, formed as a result of a giant explosion, and is an implementation of "deployment" original information in various material objects. Everything in the world is so out of an infinite set of reproducible "space genes", which contains all the "information space." The process of playing the "space of genes" and the results resemble the development of the human body from the zygote. It is known that the person is a repeat play of the DNA molecules contained in the genes. Infinite number of these molecules are found throughout the infinitesimal part of the human body. Each DNA molecule contains, in turn, the information on all the body as a whole. This information is called "general information of the human body" and is the only part of the so-called general information. Bioinformatics indicates that this is a feature of all living organisms. The ability to reproduce the original universe means that at any point in the universe are "cosmic genes" that are identical primary atom appearing before a giant source of the explosion. Each "cosmic gene" provides information on the matter, time and space. All things, therefore, is the result of covert and overt changes in multi-level information contained in the genes, and their various combinations. Therefore, at any time, anywhere in the universe - whether organic or inorganic bodies, macrocosm and microcosm, the vacuum or substance - all provide information about the universe as a whole. This phenomenon is called "universal space of information."
These system-information control suggests that the essence of life is information that life is information. One of the properties of information is a constant, and therefore "vital information" is constant. This means that it has already been laid in space even before the actual life. That is because, in the space of inanimate matter is originally contained "vital information" as a result of the universe have a variety of life forms. Life can not come from nothing. If the stone is buried in the ground, it will not give the germ, as though you had not watered, fertilized however, because the stone is not necessary informations (in fact, this information is also in stone but on a deeper level than in the seed, and to call it is not enough just water and fertilizer). American scientist Mile in 1953 spent the next ekspiriment. Air is pumped out of a glass vessel to the vacuum state, he filled it with inorganic substances: hydrogen, water, ammonia, and then for eight days, the mixture was subjected to an electric current. As a result of this experiment is completely lifeless environment managed to get several kinds of amino acids, four of which were absolutely identical amino acids, found in natural protein. In 1965, China was the world's first artificially synthesized protein - crystalline insulin. These facts clearly prove the existence of a hidden "vital information" to inanimate matter.
The origin of life as viewed from the information point of view can not be explained simply by a chemical process prevrscheniya inorganic to organic. The emergence of consciousness, by analogy, too, is the result of information processes. The widespread existence of "vital information" means and widespread existence of "information consciousness." To confirm this conclusion, do a little analysis. In accordance with the principle of "universal information" manifestations of life in the human body are the realization of a "vital information" to the human body as a specific material object. Income is the structure of this object has no fundamental differences between the structure of the other forms of non-living matter. It follows that and thinking is the realization of "information awareness" in that more spetseficheskom material object as the human brain. That is, the structure of the human brain is almost identical to the structure of any other material object. This confirms the conclusion that consciousness or "information awareness" comes not only the human brain. Unity of the material world in time and space leads to the conclusion that "the information consciousness" is inherent in all the universe and has various forms of implementation. Space is like the brain, and the products of its intellectual activity are the natural laws of society, physics, chemistry, etc. Because of thinking - a movement of "information awareness" that the laws of nature, and other laws can not remain unchanged. Luminary of science Delane pointed out: "The idea of the immutability of the laws of nature really is just completely unfounded representation of primitive man." There is no doubt that the change in the laws of nature in itself is also a kind of law, or "law of laws", which unites all the others. This important law, of course, as is the content of "kind of thinking." On the other hand, due to "the totality of space information", as well as the fact that the cosmic macrocosm and microcosm of inter-penetrate, "information awareness" that exists in space, the same as the "consciousness of information" contained in any kind of matter. The difference lies only in the fact that they exist at different levels. Modern philosophy asserts that everything is inseparably linked, and the universe is contradictory unity. Due to what appears link between two seemingly completely separate phenomena? According to the principle of unity of "universal space of information", such communication can occur in the first place, due to a common source of information, as mentioned above, and in-vtoyryh, due to the spread of the wave of "universal space of information." The existence of any kind of matter in the universe implies a certain "field", which extends continuously throughout the universe. Any, even the smallest part of the "field" is all the information on this type of matter. That is the material body and its "field" or "wave" match "general information" to coincide with the so-called "field" or "waves of universal space of information." In accordance with the concept of life as a process of information, substantiated in the system-information studies, carriers of "vital information" is very diverse proteins, nucleic acids, water and carbon chemical compounds, as well as other tangible form.Therefore, any material "field" or "waves", respectively, can be carriers of life, or "vital information", and in accordance with the principle of "universal information" these "field" or "waves", like other material objects are "vital information "and" information consciousness. " In this connection, the question arises as to which there is reason to argue that any form of matter has a "field" or "waves of general information" in all directions. Compare, for example, the human brain and stone. Do they really have the "fields", spreading across the universe? With a sufficient degree of confidence can be a positive answer to this question. First, Newton's law of gravity says that everything in the world has the power of attraction. That is, any material matter has a gravitational field that is distributed throughout the space. The theory of relativity also indicates the existence of gravitational waves. Second, the Hungarian scientist Feyshibahe discovered a previously unknown "field repulsive force", the intensity of which is 1% of the forces of gravity. It is likely that this is a "field of global repulsive." An example is also the presence of lead in the fifth space "force field." This, of course, one can not exclude the probability of the existence of the sixth, seventh, and other types of force fields. Finally, the English specialist
in biophysics plants Seerdeleyke hypothesized the existence of "the morphological development of the field." He believes that it is probably a new type of field propagating over long distances. In addition, some examples of self-organization of living and non-living matter (Convention Beynade, laser crystallization process, the oscillatory chemical reaction Beylosofu - Sabotszinsytszi and the control of DNA in inheritance of physical development, healthy effect of Qigong information in person) indicate the existence of a vast material field that under certain conditions, acquire the ability to self-organize. Generally speaking, there are a large variety of forms of co-existence of material bodies and the corresponding "fields" and "waves." All of them can be transformed into the "field" or "universal wave of information."The more that we can not dismiss the concept of "air." Although Einstein and denied its existence, more and more contradictions found in the theory of relativity, allow many scientists assume its existence.The properties of the 'ether' is such that it not only fills the entire space of the universe, but it can be a medium that can almost instantly communicate with a huge range. These properties are "broadcast" is the best account for the lack of a specific location of the "universal information space" and some specific phenomena occurring in qigong.
Now, based on the above reasoning, we can explain some of the phenomena and concepts related to qigong.
1. Life and "vital information". These are two completely different things. Not everything that is "vital information" can be called living. The principle of "universal information" implies "vital information" and "information awareness" even in stone. However, on this basis can not be considered a rock alive and thinking. Otherwise, you can prevent the absurd claim that a fertilized egg - a person, an egg - this is chicken, and the seed - this plant. The main thing in life - that it is the information, and not necessarily those or other material objects. Life - is the realization and development of the "vital information" in certain circumstances with material forms with specific structure, when the total amount of information is not increasing and not decreasing. The founder of cybernetics, Wiener said that a person can be moved using the telegraph. He had in mind that by using electromagnetic waves as the carrier sold "vital information" or "information awareness" can be transferred to people over long distances.
2. Mind and matter. It is well known that the mind - the movement of human thought, and because it is a movement, it could be just the motion of matter. Therefore consciousness should be referred to the material sphere. If we analyze the nature of consciousness, the consciousness - the realm of information, which is a "membership" matter. But "accessory" is immaterial, therefore, immaterial mind. Where is the truth? The famous French physicist Brillouin argued: "The terms of any of the information process is not only the presence of the carrier material, but - at least - its correlation with energy processes." This statement confirms the conclusion that consciousness as a kind of information is intangible, and its existence, the transfer and movement of thought, on the contrary, are inseparable from matter and must be accompanied by the movement of matter and the correlation with the energy processes. That's why qigong runtime movement a person is immersed in a state of peace, equanimity, it aroused such qualities as honesty, morality, waking thought. Diagnosis at a distance, and other examples of the impact of consciousness on physiological processes in your body or the body of another person have, thus, a clear materialistic foundation.
3. "Information body." Any body being exposed to high power by the "field of Qigong information" into "information body." The formation of "information body" can occur in two ways. The first way - the transfer of information. These system-information control suggest that, although the existence and functioning of information is impossible without material support it, however, is able to move and spread in different material media and beyond specific media. Vital information "and" information awareness "is also not an exception. This is confirmed by an example of the transfer of genetic information in living organisms. Consequently, the qigong master with high functional abilities can focus direct the flow of "information awareness" of its "field of Qigong information" to another object. As the "general information has correlative function, the" field general information of the object, in turn, becomes the carrier of "information awareness" obtained from a mentor and able to have a beneficial physiological and psychological effects on humans. In this case, however, the "information awareness" must be to some extent updated. In addition, due to the fact that "the information body remains" universal communication of information "with a mentor, it can be seen as a rallying point in the chain of information communication between master and disciple.
The second way - excitation information. As we know, in any inanimate body contained "information of consciousness." When the body comes under the course of action "field of Qigong information" whose intensity is above a certain value in the body under the influence of the "field" is excited and partially realized "information consciousness." As a result, the appropriate change and the "field general information" that object. Although these two ways of forming the "information of the body" and differ from one another, their essence is the same.
4. "Space Information". With this concept encountered in the practice of Qigong. "Space Data" is a "field of general information" that can generate or raise the matter of its capacity for self-organization. This means that "space information" aims to strengthen orderly "negative entropy". Therefore, it is beneficial to the functioning of the human body. In essence, the concept of "space data" and "vital information" is similar. Therefore, the first of them, as it were consolidated into a single "universal function space information" and "the structure of the universal space of information." These specific phenomena in qigong, such as "invisibility" (inshen), "teleport" (baths yun), occur under the influence of information within the scope "of the structure of universal space of information", but, for example, the ability to anticipate, the formation of the "information body "refers principally to the impact of information about the" universal features of space information. " By "qigong information" usually refers to a special kind of "space-based information."
5. "Sincerity" (chensin). Almost all high-level qigong systems require engaged in "sincerity." Based on the foregoing discussion of the relationship between matter and mind, one can easily see that "sincerity", being a specific mental state, as well as other activities of consciousness material. Modern science has proven that the human body is a highly non-equilibrium, not a balanced open nonlinear resonant system. "Resonant wave" - are self-organizing oscillations propagating over long distances.
In terms of human physiology, they control the function of self-organization, and outside of the body interact with other "waves" and "fields" and to exchange information. Based on the facts confirming the mutual influence of psychology and physiology, it can be argued that the "resonant wave" obviously to some extent influenced by the human mind. For example, a long stay in a melancholy state could increase the risk of disease, which is due to violation of "order" in the body. "Ordered" is in relation to the function of self-organization of the body, which in turn is connected to the corresponding "resonant waves." Therefore, the psychological changes can lead to physiological changes. Psychology and physiology related "self-resonant waves." A psychological state corresponds to a specific resonance frequency "waves of self-organization." Specific psychological state of "sincerity" is ideally suited to this physiological state, which contributes to the perception of "space information" and information "body of information" and information "external qi" from the instructor. Having clarified the above, it is easy to explain and the following phenomena: Imagine mentor qigong, one can clearly feel the emergence and impact of "qigong information", meaning "to collect" qi from a remote source, a person can feel the qi "is in full swing." One more example. Under certain conditions, when the mentor is absent and does not try to manage occupation far enough for someone to take over the coordination of mental activity, to all present in the same degree were able to take the information from a mentor, whose effect is just as if he had directly supervised the exercise. It should be noted that the high level qigong masters most of the information relates to "the field of space information" and is not information "inner chi" through the acupressure points. All these cases represent a resonance phenomenon that occurs between their own "self-resonant wave of general information" and "universal wave of information" ("space-wave") mentor or other remote source of qi, which is a manifestation of psychological "sincerity" and "right" thinking. This explains the emergence of the information and energy in the above situations. This is comparable to the radio, when in order to get sound information and energy from the transmitter, should be aligned with the frequency of the magnetic oscillations of the first and second. In ancient times, said: "Before the firm will break up the stones." "Sincerity" and a strong will can shake even a rock, why own body and soul is not open themselves to favorable information?
6. Bigu ("fasting"). Qigong techniques can achieve such a state, when a man, refusing food and water, can continue a normal life for a few days, months, and even years. In the system of Qigong "Heavenly bell" there is a way Bigu enter information that you can quickly prepare the body to function without food and water. Prerequisite for achieving this state is clarification that vital activity depends primarily on the information. Because the maintenance of life is associated with preservation of "ordering" of the body, it is therefore necessary to continually draw from the outside is something that can do the job. We are talking about the "negative entropy". "Negative entropy" is extremely important for the normal functioning of living systems. The famous Austrian physicist Syuedime wrote: "In order to avoid death, that is to live, there is only one way - to continuously draw negative entropy from the environment. Organism lives thanks to her. " According to the French scholar Brillouin, "negative entropy" and information equivalent. So, life is dependent on information. Since the "space data" can encourage "negative entropy", it is the flow can be described as "negative entropy". Since the transfer of information related to certain energy processes, it can be concluded that the "space data" is a carrier of energy. At the time of entry into the state Bigu greatly enhanced ability to perceive the "spatial information", which is a continuous stream flows into the open energy channels - "Jingli". "Space Information" brings "negative entropy" and energy. Thus, the state allows the person to continue Bigu normal life without food and water. Furthermore, when the human body as a nonequilibrium system gets expensive outside enough "spatial information" ("negative entropy") when it enters the uneven state of "order may extend to the individual elements of" consumable structures ", which could lead to an abrupt change, the emergence of new structures and "order." In this case, you can certainly expect a recovery or showing any extraordinary abilities of the body.
From a technical point of view, Qigong can be seen as a tool of information control in the system "man - the cosmos." To continue the analogy, we can say that the purpose of Qigong - initiating receive and use information. Formation of the "information of the body", the emergence of the "language of Qigong", the ability to raise teacher practices qigong paralyzed - all this information, the process of initiation, and the ability of precognition, telepathy, inspiration - the process of obtaining information; Bigu, "gaining" qi - the process is the use of the information.
If seen as a way of qigong cultivation, it can be called "the art of communicating information." The whole point of this definition is contained in the words "communication". Qigong instructors convey information from space, with which they communicate to ordinary people by helping them to acquire the extraordinary ability, studying, talking with a mentor and accepting information from him, become more wise, moral, and skillful; cultivators in Qigong, "communicating" with his own body can defeat the disease, prolong life.
If we consider qigong as a science, it can be called the theory of "antropokosmicheskoy information" based on the concept of "universal space of information." As the science of Qigong uses the system and information methods, aims to unite into one of the traditional doctrine of Qigong and modern scientific ideas. It can also be called the "theory of Qigong information", which is the main part of technical and theoretical foundation systems Qigong "Heavenly bell."
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