Saturday, October 27, 2012

Deviation in practicing Qigong and Solutions


"Deviation" in training qigong ,yoga practitioners  mostly occur due to inadequate selection procedures, or because of the timing of medical instruction. Summarizing, we could all frequently observed reasons that are called "deviations", summarized as follows.
  1. The large number of schools of qigong and rather complicated procedure. If you select qigong, not corresponding to the character of the disease, it can lead to a "deviation."
  2. During qigong or yoga  training often get the feeling that in the old days was called "8 sense of touch" ("ba chu"), "16 species (pictures)" ("shilyu Ching"), etc. Some found out about it during training will certainly try to call them, and as a result they have a "deviation." There are those who, when faced with hallucinations, panic, it is difficult to control yourself, which also leads to a "deviation."
  3. Only a small number of people are chasing sensation seeking to externalities, constantly making changes, randomly changing techniques.
  4. Some people are not familiar with the basic principles of qigong, and have no special competence. They believe that only when there is a "movement" or only when there is a "rest" can we talk about qigong. Thus forming a faulty psychology, leading to a "deviation."
  5. In some diseases, Qigong is contraindicated, such as in hysteria and schizophrenia, as well as during the attack of some diseases, such as myocardial infarction, hypertension, etc. During practice Qigong is a kind of patients are often observed "deviations."
  6. When in training in qigong organically combined consciousness, breath and body, naturally, comes success. Individual trainees do not understand the principle of the ratio chi and thought begin to arbitrarily move chi, qigong violate natural laws, which causes the "deviations".
  7. When insecurity during training, when there other sounds, the sudden change in the weather, like thunder, rain, storm, storm, etc, can also be "deviation."
  8. Once in the room where you study Qigong, dark and cold, or training is in the wind, or when engaged in a state of anger, great sorrow, great joy, extreme sadness, excessive meditation, etc., can also be "deviations" . Types of "deviations" used frequently when doing qigong and adjustment methods are provided below.

I. "Brain of Fire."

Some, approached in training to a certain stage, there may be "hot flows", or "clusters of hot energy," moving within the body. If the flow of hot flow causes a slight movement of the limbs and body, this is normal. If the legs and body are strong and continuing movement and can not be stopped, it is considered a "deviation." In the old days it was called "brain fire." Remedy:
  1. Loosen concentration.
  2. Not to be afraid of in the course of training "clusters of hot energy" and energy flows.
  3. During the easy movement of the limbs and the body does not control it with your thoughts. It appears and disappears naturally, of course.
  4. When moving images increase or do not stop immediately, open his eyes wide, focus on the 'cinnabar field "or gaze into the distance.
  5. In serious cases, to stop training for a few days or to change the method.

II. "Hits" in the head (chuntou).

A small number of trainees (they are often to be found among those who are engaged and chzhoutyangun tszyfaleygun) during training have hit in the head from the flow of energy, resulting in a sense that they have a "swollen" head appears dizziness or headaches. Limited number of people for a few days or even a few years can not go back to normal. Remedy:
  1. You can not force during qigong energy pumping, and after the Chi should not be using the idea arbitrarily direct the movement of energy.
  2. In the case of a headache from a rush of chi in your head can be pressed to the sky and the language to translate to "wonderful" Meridian zhenmay.
  3. When the head is splitting from the pain, you can ask their doctor about acupressure or divert energy.
  4. When the tide of qi to the head is significant, we can to eliminate "deviation" to apply the appropriate method relax the body.
  5. In some cases, you can pause a workout or use drugs.

III. "Temporary insanity".

Individual trainees during Qigong practice can pronounce absurd speech, make involuntary movements, fall, stripped naked, etc. And this time he is not in control of himself, but understands everything and after qigong can remember everything. Sometimes arise in static meditation strange visions and a person is immersed in a painful fainting. Remedy:
  1. Regardless of the type of hallucinations and images of random motion, immediately opened her eyes and letting the gaze into the distance.
  2. If this trend is not stopped, it is necessary to change the method of qigong or stop exercising.
  3. In severe cases, medication.
  4. If involuntary movement does not stop for a long time (over 24 hours), you can ask an experienced physician do acupressure, chzhentszyu therapy or do sessions of suggestion.

IV. "Expiration".

If during exercise is seminal emissions (spermatorreya), this leads to a serious depletion "se-consuming" Ching, harms health. In this case it is impossible to continue training. Remedy:
  1. When doing qigong can not arbitrarily use ancient books as books or listen to idle talk.
  2. In severe cases, you can rub the "Vermilion field" shenyu point massage, knead testicular.
  3. In the event of the expiration of the seed pulse to do acupressure middle finger point hueyin.

V. Wandering "chi."

A small number of people in training qigong in the body (some in the abdomen, the other - in the back) there are clumps of hot energy "Qi", a sort of "fireball". It then moves, then stops. Some hot energy "Qi" burn so that it is difficult to carry, others - bursting so that it is impossible to train, some people during the occupation of the feeling of cold, they feel as cold energy "Qi" wanders all over, there is a fever in the body or continuous, slight belly. Remedy:
  1. Change the object of concentration (for example, focus on the external environment).
  2. Loosen the focus, relax your body.
  3. If it is caused by a disease, can be combined with drugs or chzhentszyu-therapy and massage.
  4. In the case of a burn bunch of hot "chi" can sniff up, exhale mouth or mouth to breathe only (3-10 minutes).

VI. With worsening disease state.

If the selected method of qigong meet illness or does not lead to the desired results, in some trainees may worsen the disease state, or be a new disease. This usually occurs in the classroom according to the method of involuntary movements. Then it can lead to hysteria or schizophrenia. People with liver disease, coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular serious cancer, practicing some dynamic qigong should carefully examine them. Remedy:
  1. Practice Qigong must respect the principles of selection in Qigong according to dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine.
  2. Youth and adolescents and patients with schizophrenia and hysteria should use caution or to opt out of using the technique of involuntary movements.
  3. Patients who show signs of the diseases, immediately stop training and go for testing and treatment at the hospital.

VII. tightness in the chest, pain in the abdomen, the excess energy, "qi" ...

Due to the excessive concentration and wrong "controlled breathing" painful events occur - chest tightness, abdominal pain, excess energy, "qi", accelerated heart rate - are light "deviation." Remedy:
  1. Comply with the principles of "regulatory body, mind and breath."
  2. Tsigunistu not rush to get results, it is necessary to gradually move forward.
  3. Given the emerging diseases seek the appropriate cause.

VIII. Dryness in the mouth and continued excessive salivation

The appearance during training due to illness or improper training method of dry mouth and continued excessive saliva. Remedy:
  1. With dryness of the mouth and tongue if it is caused by illness, use the first method of breathing neyyangun (method of hard breathing, that is, during inspiration language to heaven when stopping language motionless during exhalation tongue hangs down). Before exercise drink some boiled water. If this is the result of improper breathing, you can gently close your mouth and inhale and exhale through the nose to produce.
  2. Focusing perform effortlessly. Simultaneously, mouth slightly open, suspend movement of tongue up and down, inhale and exhale through the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Spiritual healers are like a mechanism of the divine, who allow the power of the God to heal through him or her. A good spiritual healer knows that he or she is not really healing and they are just the way or the instrument by which the person seeking healing surrenders to the divine or god. Ilchi Lee
