Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dao Yoga Tai Chi Qigong Studio,Classes in Walnut Creek.

Do not bother yourself !

People should be happy always!
If there is no happiness, look, what's wrong. You do not serch , do not wait for it , happiness itself sits within us and waiting for us to let it out into the open world , to spread  wings. 
Each person sculpts his cocoon of thoughts, concerns and grievances.
The idea - the energy, it is the beginning of all, it can be controlled. Therefore, the main task is to reduce its way to happiness - perfection - to work on ideas. I started working on your thoughts, your thinking becomes clearer and the mind easily.
How easily can slide raft in the water until it is loaded the excess weight, because of which, in the end, he drowns. We, too, are born with a slight consciousness, lives a carefree happiness, but in the process of growing up, the formation of thinking, our raft filled straining. And having come to maturity, we do not easily glide through the water, and go to the bottom, under the pressure of the cargo.
Significant part of our noshe takes offense.
Let's look at ourselves:

In everyday situations, wondering what to do, what to say, how to behave and so on, we do not solve the problem itself, and do everything worked out for patterns, defensive schemes - manner of our behavior. Ie based on the way we think, in a familiar, comfortable and safe system. For example, for the tenth time being late to work, we will not tell the authorities all the details of our misadventures, and the answer is easier than convincing and - traffic jams. And each time, in such situations, we are always at the ready retort that our thinking is selected by the selection and comparison, which became a habit.
Thinking - it's tried and tested images, patterns of behavior, characteristic of our personality.Person - this is a mask, a mask or shield, that we are the result of interaction with the environment.
One of the main panels of our thinking is the shield of resentment.
Cargo resentment - is a system of thinking, which is divided into the jet. The basic thinking can be divided into seven streams: management, contracts, justice, hate, revenge, power and invulnerability. But we will consider the main things that oppress us.
Revenge is never without hate, hate never goes without injustice,
that is not justice.
That is, as soon as you notice that your behavior is to revenge, once it is necessary to look for hatred. The reason is the same hatred of resentment, and it is always unfair, it unjustifiably inflicted on you heartache.
And then, if we find injustice, we find the root of this behavior.
These three streams of thought and is called oppression.
Thinking of justice - is part of our thinking, which is engaged in precision-tuned performance of contracts - the terms on which we have agreed to live. It comes with the first great shock of injustice on the part of large and strong in relation to you. And then you realize that it hurt so let it be, that justice should be restored, at least this, which you have agreed. And you're trying to restore it, but you know that physically you can not recover it. The pain of not restoring justice accumulates and is called hate. Hatred becomes another stream of thinking - thinking hatred.
And here, in essence, start thinking.
The main task of thinking hatred - to release the poison, poison and another sting. Thinking of hatred has the task to free yourself, you need to lose his temper, as it bled, reduce unnecessary hatred of himself. But hatred is a phenomenon of thinking, there is only in communication. Therefore, you can not just hate to lose, it should kick off at something or someone.
But for a person to be allowed to pour on him the hatred you need to get it right on this. And to get it right, you need to find a vulnerability in the other - to find a violation of treaties that society embodied in the form of rules of behavior and morality. We just play off the excess of hatred is justified.
Tool letting hatred is Dire beast. He appears under the guise fighter for justice. So as soon as you feel you have become a fighter for justice, look at this beast.
The next stream of thinking - thinking of revenge. It comes to using hate restore the damaged justice.
It's a violation of justice, and you know - it needs to recover, but to make it impossible to prohibit, say that you are wrong, you are punished unfairly punished, and even in the word you deny the possibility of justice.
And you start to conceal resentment, nurturing the thought: "That power dial, and then I will take revenge."
The word "revenge" does not appear immediately. Revenge, which eventually will be what it was before the restoration of justice, will come from the time when you have a few violations of justice, restoration is not to be.
In fact, too much unreduced justice turns into hatred, and desire to restore it is the desire for revenge.
Revenge - it justice with appendage of other injustices, is not the exact justice, excess, with crust of hatred.
You always when avenge,  actually want justice, but you do not have enough strength to keep from tearing your hatred of people. And you to anyone who is trying to restore this justice, and even a piece of imprinted his resentment, that is hatred of the previous offense. Thinking revenge determines that revenge can only gain traction for revenge.
One day we will all have to clean up all the debts of revenge. Have to pay for all those cases where revenge, rather than simply justice.
Offended by the man himself cause offense to others.
How many fatal mistakes leaves our state of resentment, our burden and patterns of thought.
And you just have to learn to control myself, to learn to see themselves. We know a lot of nonsense, but do not know the most desired: themselves. Some of your attention - is all you need your negative qualities of character, wrong thoughts and desires. Each takes the end of his outlook for the end of the world. But it is not.
You need to run in your head awareness - not to react and live habits, and understand themselves and the world around.
This is strange, unusual, hard ... but possible. And it opens the flow of opportunities.
And when a person becomes aware of himself and the world, the chilling fear disappears and deeds comes responsibility.
Eagles can live up to 80 years. At the age of about 40 years, and claws of an eagle feathers grow and become large and heavy - it can not fly, and therefore, to feed themselves.
Each eagle has a choice: to die or go through a difficult path of transformation - to fly away for a few months to a safe place to pull himself claws and feathers grow back and wait until the new ...

Very often, in order to live, we have to change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt ... We get rid of the memories, habits and traditions of the past ... But the release of the burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare yourself for the future ...
Work on yourself - it's immeasurable work, but at the same time, it is the most precious contribution.
No one, except you, and nobody  responsible for your happiness. Develop  happiness, because it is good, it is growth, that's life! A life - this is happiness! Walnut Creek Yoga Tai chi Qigong Classes

1 comment:

  1. They feel like some one has slipped a jack hammer into your quads. If you give in at this point don't worry, it happens to the best of us. But you will feel like a total prat because the sixty year old woman, who is standing post next to you, is smiling appearing to be enjoying this torture. dahn yoga classes
