Monday, October 29, 2012

Mawangdui Qigong


The preparatory phase

Before the session should be possible to empty the bowel and bladder, to avoid overstimulation, refrain from smoking and drinking strong tea and coffee. To get rid of extraneous thoughts, relax and concentrate. You can then proceed to further training, remembering that "the idea is qi, qi follows thought, the form contributes to the realization of hidden opportunities." Start "removing muddy and gaining pure Qi" is possible only when the "conduct and bringing qi" achieved a certain degree of otrabotannosti. "Removing cloudy and gaining pure Qi" is as follows. "True Qi" is from point to point bayhuey yuntsyuan, and then from the point of yuntsyuan - in the "center of the earth," with the result that there is a removal of "turbid qi" of the "true Qi". Simultaneously, the "pure chi," which is also located in the "true Qi" tszutsyao rises to a point located between the eyes. At this time, there may come a different intensity, "clearing of consciousness," which appears in the sense of "natural quiet", "total relaxation of the body", "return to the original." In other words, a state of detachment, when the "internal and external merge." As written in the treatise "Tsintszin Jing", "contemplate the soul inside, outside contemplate form, (a) The form is formless, far contemplate things, (a) the items are missing." Only then can you begin performing complex.

Step 1. Heavenly garments without seams

The order of the exercise
Preparatory phase, turn both hands, palms up and synchronized lifting them along the side of the body to the head. First direct chi crown bayhuey through point, and then through BTE area, neck and chest in terms shentsyue, hueyin continue through socks and heels in the "center of the Earth." Perform nine times.
During exercise should seek to ensure that the position of the body and arm movements were coordinated with the movement of qi. Imagine that you are after a hard day of taking water treatment, water temperature optimum "washes the soul and body." Imagine that you gently envelop the "heavenly garments without seams," woven "true Qi" and fresh air. During the exercise movements need not reach those points, which reaches the "thought." If "clothes covered toes", then just move your hands to eye level and then return to starting position. If "clothes covered heel", the hands reach only the neck and the "idea" is the qi from the ears across the chest, point hueyin, yuntsyuan to the "center of the earth."

Step 2. Refract yin yang return

The order of the exercise
The second stage starts immediately after the previous one. Perform exercises the preparatory phase. Slowly lift the palm of his right hand ("hand yang") along the surface of the body to the right so that the tips of his fingers were aimed at the stars, the moon, the light bulb, fresh flowers, or any other beautiful thing. Call the sensation of heat in the palm of his left hand ("hand yin"). Raise your left arm forward in an arc to the junction of the pubic bone in such a way that the point was directly opposite laogun hueyin point. Continue to raise your hand through point to point shentsyue tszutsyao. Pause briefly and lead qi, starting at Jo-chiao, through point to point shentsyue hueyin (this is the "breaking of yin, yang return"). Similarly, the exercise is carried out and on the right side of the body. Run it nine times.
This exercise is taken from the circuit 6 "Refraction yin" "schemes of attracting and Qi" were found during excavations in the area of ​​Changsha. During the exercise the "soul and body" must continue to relax, focus - increase. Only under these conditions can be made to move between points qi tszutsyao, shentsyue and hueyin, to achieve a balance between yin and yang.

Step 3. Great Heavenly Circuit limit

The order of the exercise
Implementation of the third phase begins immediately after the previous one. Perform exercises the preparatory phase. Hands, in agreement with the movement of thought, left outline the line dividing the limit of a great half. The point shentsyue seen as central, and the points and bayhuey yuntsyuan - as the poles. Men perform the exercise with your left hand, women - right. Your body and mind of a great limit to combine in a single unit. Perform nine times.
During exercise it is necessary to ensure that "the movement of hands and thought," outlined the harmony of a great point. Exercise regulates the whole body, reduces mental stress.

Step 4. Penetrate the Middle Palace

The order of the exercise
Implementation of the fourth phase begins immediately after the previous one. Perform exercises the preparatory phase. Bring both hands to his chest. Massage the chest along the median line, the armpit.Perform nine times.
During the exercise movements are performed only from the top down. "Thought" is from the "heavenly bodies" (top) to the "center of the Earth" (below). This exercise not only promotes "unity of heaven, earth and man," but a sustainable gait when "devastated top, bottom is full." Exercise prevents the development of cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and coronary insufficiency.

Step 5. Grace irrigates crown

The order of the exercise
Implementation of the fifth stage begins immediately after the previous one. Perform exercises the preparatory phase. One arm (men left, the women - right) to move the head so that the palm was turned to point bayhuey; another - move to a point Yuzhen and secure hand in front of her. Perform a circular motion. Men first perform motion clockwise ke, and then - counter clockwise. Women perform the exercise in reverse. Perform nine times.
The general requirement is that the point laogun been projected to the corresponding point on the body. There must be a feeling that the "point contact and do not touch the palm pressed and pressed." We must strive to ensure that the rotary motion of the hands and the "movement of thought" is harmonized. Please be careful to not to touch the hair, the more the scalp. After successful execution of circular motions again woo the feeling that "the point of contact and do not touch", that "hand pressed and pressed."
With this exercise, you can quickly normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase the accumulation of "vital information" and to show the hidden potential of the human body.

Step 6. Original spirit returns to the fold

The order of the exercise
Implementation of the sixth phase begins immediately after the previous one. Perform exercises the preparatory phase. The exercise is performed lying on your side, relaxed. Move the left hand to the point shen-Que area and press gently point laogun. Move the right hand to his ear so that the flap of the ear is between the thumb and index finger ("prop earlobe area hukou"). Then do the following: "watch chiao" (looking from the point to the point tszutsyao shentsyue), "believe breath" (consider myself one of nine four times), "listen to breath" (all over to listen to the sound of his breath), " super relaxation feel "(picture yourself in a boat) with" the "book of the Lo River,"(1) in the hands of funneling through the haze over the back of a dragon p. Huang to Fenlay syange and back). "
It - exercise a high level as a result of which the "original spirit back into the fold." This step should be based on the basis of strong skills. This exercise, but total concentration, the absolute accuracy of the "fusion of man with heaven," requires an intimate setting and fresh air. Only to meet these requirements, you can dive deep into the "super relaxation." "Stream of Consciousness shentsyue" is inexhaustible.Enable "pioneering spirit" to calm down and "return to the fold." Exercise not only causes a "deviation", but can open in bangs special abilities.




  1. Spiritual healing is constituted of two words - "spiritual" and "healing". Spirituality is to recognize, accept and realize the power of God beyond our understanding. In other words, for being a spiritual person you need to believe in yourself and others.

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