Saturday, November 10, 2012

IMPACT of Qigong practice for health and development of psychic abilities

  Qigong in China called "a miracle of a million people", because they use it for humans is not limited to any one aspect, but is through the integrated development of the individual during the course. 
       Centuries man unravels a unique chronicle of nature. They made ​​a lot of discoveries in biology and medicine, but a very complex puzzle eastern For the past 1,500 years, still can not solve. This is a mystery of the life of the body channels, invisible, but real-life, as between them and the internal organs there is a constant two-way relationship. 
       Oriental medicine and health system initially based on ancient philosophical ideas about the nature of existence. The main achievement of thought of the ancient inhabitants of the East was to create a whole world of themselves and the world. The main philosophical idea of the East - the concept of a whole. A man (the microcosm) - part of the nature of the Earth and the universe (macrocosm). This single system is interconnected and interdependent. Moreover, all of the cosmos have a single functional structure. Unlike the European view of the world is that man is the exclusive product of nature, able to assess all of its events from the perspective of a clear separation of the material (that can be fixed by the senses or special devices) and ideal (that does not really exist) . Such an outlook is an insurmountable obstacle to a serious study of the eastern Fitness training techniques and methods of healing European specialists. 
       primary matter, considered in the East as the main substance of the body - the life energy qi , in European science rejected as deified reality, because this person does not feel the energy and any device can not measure. Meanwhile, the use of such fundamental concepts as qi, Ancient China gave a phenomenal practical medical science, which as one of the fundamental parts are therapeutic techniques Chi Kung. 
       Chinese word Qigong is a system of exercises designed to regulate qi (the first part of the word) - vital bioenergy body, the second part of the word - gun, you have a job. In other words, Qigong means working with qi. The objectives of this work may be different. Qi run by thought, focusing on the principle: "The idea is qi, qi is blood." There are three areas in Qigong: medical, health and combat. Therapeutic Qigong is used primarily for the treatment of chronic diseases. With an active approach performs special patient of exercises, with the passive approach - the biologically active points of the body focuses its energy qigong master. Qigong Health serves the health, longevity and disease prevention. Prevention - one of the basic principles of Oriental medicine. Thus Qigong - a very vast concept, including a wide range of exercises and practical skills to improve the internal organs of the human body. Qigong have drawn a lot of people because of its simplicity and wide variety of existing sets of exercises. Techniques are suitable for all ages. At regular employment results appear quickly. Qigong is not only restores vitality and energy balance in the body, but also improves the spirit. People constantly experience contradictions of everyday life that cause stress and lead to diseases, a person is aging rapidly, and sometimes even stress leads to death. Normal state of man is always unstable, but it can be adjusted. One of the most important methods of control is mind control. Qigong exercises in human consciousness is in a particular state, which allows the brain to sink into complete rest, and thus the conditions for the rapid restoration of all the structures of the body. This enhanced his aura, increased exchanges between energy of a man and the outside of the space information, increases the digestibility of the field of outer space.In space, there are a number of fields, each of which has a specific frequency and amplitude. These fields are continuously emit energy. Through Qigong practice may regulate his aura, synchronizing it with some kinds of energy fields of space in frequency, amplitude and direction, which gives rise to overall vibration. As a result of Qigong practice can absorb a lot of energy from space, thus continuously increasing its own aura, but at some point you can find a manifestation of special paranormal abilities such as teleportation (banyuan), invisibility (inshen), clairvoyance, diagnosing diseases, vision internal organs of the human body, the vision of the human aura, treatment of diseases with the use of bio-energy radiation of the body.        particularly large beneficial effects of qigong on people weakened, fatigue, and chronic diseases. There is a list of sixty-seven diseases in which qigong classes are particularly effective.The results of Qigong practice affect gradually but positive changes that accumulate over time, provide proof of medical and health effects. Even in those cases when it can not completely cure patients, clinical studies note a significant improvement in their health.        classes at primary level are designed to explore the qigong, designed to study the nature dvizhey, static positions, etc. For the development of the initial simple enough complexes 6 and 9 classes under expert guidance. It is believed that belief in Qigong promotes mastery of this science. If you're in the classroom Qigong think of other things, doubt or ask a lot of questions, so lightly do the exercises, enter a state of unrest qigong. If you believe in qigong, do seriously and by the rules, you will be able to take information from the bio teacher, strengthening his aura.Therefore, we should not forget that to start classes led by a teacher or a master of qigong. Let this be only 5-6 sessions, but they will give you the basics. Without it, it would be difficult to achieve results. After all, this teaching is transmitted from heart to heart, from the living to the living. In China, there is a proverb: "To learn qigong from a book, without a teacher - like the attempt in a conventional furnace to smelt iron ore metal. At best, the ore is heated, but the metal smelt not succeed." From the above it is clear that we should start to learn qigong always under expert guidance.        Observation people involved in my group of Qigong exercises, and performing statistical analysis of individual profiles, reviews, which deals completed after the end of classes, it was found that 95% of them have made ​​significant progress to improve their health and well being. They made ​​it much easier to communicate with others, they have become much more tolerant in the family, calmer, more confident, increased efficiency. Many were troubled their disease, there was a subjective feeling of having become younger. Approximately 20% involved in the initial course of gymnastics began to open the ability to see the human aura, his internal organs, his ability to  radiate outward and use the chi chi energy for healing.  


We have students in our Walnut Creek ,Ca  yoga tai chi qigong class studio from following zip codes: 94595 94596 94597 94598 94523 94506 94507 94526 94553 94518 94519 94520 94521 94517 94549 94563 94575 94582 94583, and beyond.

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