Saturday, November 24, 2012

Robin Sharma "Leadership in the light of the balance of life and work"

Too many people to death and did not come to an understanding of how to live. They spend the best years of his life in pursuit of elusive golden calf, working long hours, neglecting their families and their health, and this is only to the end of the day to make sure that their obsessive pursuit of fat bank account and the coveted corner office did not bring them to the deep satisfaction they craved. Too many of us deny ourselves the simple joys that come from every day - the greatness of dawn or laughing child, because we are too busy trying to earn a living, and still lose sight of the true meaning of life. Then, one day, in the twilight of life, we are finally thinking about "what could be", and our hearts are filled with sorrow for the missed school concerts, do not use the family leave and lost of wonderful moments. Probably the best Henry David Thoreau said, noting that "the majority of people to death with horror discover that they never really have not lived." There is nothing wrong with the great achievements. Those of you who have read "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", or those who have attended my speech, you know that, in my opinion, life without a successful career and professional achievements - this is a life. We all have a strong natural need to do something significant in the work that we do and stand out in the classroom, which we have chosen. Here is a simple wisdom: Do not sacrifice your achievements filled with the joy of life. Instead, strive for success, happy life. Strive for balance in an effort to become the best in the work, be a wonderful family man and a good friend. Understand that without balance in any area of your life, you will never achieve happiness and the feeling that you've lived a good life. As noted by Gandhi: "A man can not act properly in one area, while he was doing the wrong steps in the other. Life - is one indivisible whole. " There are four areas that you should focus on moving through the years and restoring the balance of his life. equilibrium relationship. There is a myth that "quality time" - is all you need your family to feel that you care about them and appreciate them. You have to pass is an additional way to make sure that you are able to give proper time increase the bonds of trust and love. For example, children believe that the more time you devote to them, the more you love them. One of the techniques that I teach is "evening for a personal meeting," when you and those you love and with whom you want to keep in touch, meet and spend together one night a week. Try to make such meetings as may be more interesting and fun. Laugh - it is the shortest distance between two people, and if you can laugh a loved one, you're on the road to a healthy relationship. This simple ritual will allow you every week to spend time with those who mean so much to you. Compliance with the "equilibrium relationships of" creates a sense of coherence in all other areas of your life. For example, if your family life is ordered, calm your mind and you can focus on your business in order to succeed. Equilibrium career. Two factors may equally lead to an imbalance in your life and become a source of stress: what you spending too much time working and, as a result, do not spend time with your loved ones, and the fact that you do not take the proper steps to becoming a great businessman. We all are human desire to achieve success and find value in life through career success. If we do this, our hearts are filled with a sense of emptiness. Ponder what three steps you can do in the next 90 days to become a star in his work.Improve your qualifications or skills? Read some books or take training courses? Or maybe you need a teacher who can give you strategic advice on how to take your business skills to the next level? Make an effort to move beyond your comfort zone and really improve the efficiency of your operations. Remember that people who succeed in the 21st century - the ones that will be most valuable to customers and the market in general. As Einstein said: "Strive to be a man of values, not a man of success." If you follow this rule, success came quickly. Equilibrium health. One of the most exciting observations I've made ​​while working with individuals and organizations as a speaker or a corporate consultant - when people are young, they are willing to sacrifice their health for the sake of well-being and wealth. Later, when they get older and wiser, they recognize that they are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his wealth drops health. Remember the old adage, "If youth knew, if age could." One can argue that edorove man - is his greatest asset, without which it is impossible to become rich. Make time each week to restore your physical balance. Exercise at least 4 times a week. Eat a healthy, low-fat foods. Drink plenty of fluids, and after a busy week, take a massage. These actions will go in your favor and ensure optimal performance of your body for a long time. spiritual balance. philosopher Emerson said: "Without a rich heart of being - an ugly beggar." We all have a deep need to live for something more important than ourselves. Find the cause to which you can devote yourself. Each week, take the time to help those in need. Find an hour or two in the morning every day off to get in touch with the world. Spend time in nature, and restore a sense of wonder of what surrounds you. Think about the things you loved doing as a child, and have the wisdom to do them again. Another great strategy is to help nurture your spirit - is written in a diary everything that you are thankful for life. Guess about the richness of life and finding peace again, a sense of perspective. Remember the old Persian saying, "I was sad, because there had shoes, as long as I did not see a man who had no feet." Appreciate what you have, and live out their days with enthusiasm, energy and joy.

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